No leader lives for themselves, but for the benefit of others. When you make decisions, whose benefit do you have in mind? Continually check in with yourself about this and analyze...
By definition, leaders stay ahead. So what are you actively doing to stay ahead? Unless you look into the future, you'll never be able to lead your team in that direction!
Every healthy leader wants to grow. But what’s the first step? Humility. Humility says, “I need to learn more. I can dig deeper. I can listen to other voices in my...
The saying goes, "So many people are busy learning the tricks of the trade that they never learn the trade." We must understand the purpose and the substance behind what we're...
All of us are working on becoming more self-aware. Once we're self-aware, we can self-manage. How can you become more in-tune to your thoughts, words, actions, and responses to...
Scores of leaders want to know how to increase their influence. There's one simple way: by helping others. You will never lose by helping somebody else! You will always reap what you...
By Brenda Chand
At Dream Releaser Coaching, our goal is to equip our coaches to help people grow and grasp their destinies. Nothing brings greater fulfillment than helping others succeed, and that...
By Sam Chand
As a traveling speaker, one gets to visit all kinds of environments. Each inviter has a special passion and unique vision for his or her event. Here are a few tips on how to conduct...
The better you are at spotting raw potential, the more effective a leader you'll be. After all, everyone comes into this "raw." But we're doing what we're doing because...
These are the three ingredients of casting vision. Not every leader is good at casting vision; to do it well, and to motivate your team, you have to give detail about each of...
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