Respect and Honor

Feb 24, 2020

Honor and respect are two quite different things. While respect is based on what you do, honor is based on who you are. It should be our goal to live every day in such a way that those we lead can...

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Maintaining Your Company’s Culture: Why The “Middle” Plays an Essential Role

Feb 20, 2020

I talk and write a lot about the importance of culture, and how it’s formed. Today, I want to talk about maintaining culture, which is something leaders seldom give themselves time to think...

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Feb 18, 2020

There are three main things you need alignment in for your organization to run smoothly: vision, resources, and people. Any difficulty in moving forward is probably due to one or more of these...

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The Releasing Stage: The Potential Pros and Cons of Giving Back

Feb 13, 2020

All of us go through seasons in our leadership where we’re primarily receiving from others. I like to refer to this as the receiving stage. Especially when we first start out, we rely on...

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Feb 11, 2020

All organizations have executives; but not every executive is skilled at execution—getting things done. In order to ensure execution, ask “Who does what by when?"

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In the Meantime: Changing Our Perspective of the Waiting Period in Between Seasons

Feb 06, 2020

There’s a space between seasons that I like to call “the meantime.” In this space, you are not here and not there. You aren’t where you used to be, but you also...

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The Pathway of Leadership

Feb 04, 2020

Often, we don’t consider the change in leadership between leading things and leading people—but this shift is a big one. Be careful about how you move your leaders, and be sure to...

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Reinvent Yourself: Adapting to Your Current Age and Stage

Jan 30, 2020

Reinvention may sound like an intimidating term, but it’s really just another word for adapting. As we grow and learn, we have to reinvent our lifestyles, practices, and strategies in order...

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The Price of Leadership

Jan 28, 2020

So often, we view leadership as a destination rather than a journey. Instead, we need to be okay with the tension between where we are and where we want to be. If we make peace with the journey,...

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Rebounding from Mistakes: Why Your Response Matters More Than the Mistake

Jan 23, 2020

I’m going to make mistakes today. So are you. Every single one of us makes mistakes. There may come a time in which you get better at recovering from, camouflaging, or pivoting from your...

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