Face Your Future

Dec 12, 2023

The speed at which your future is approaching is not slowing down anytime soon. If your future is already running towards you, don’t run away from it, meet it with urgency and tend to it with...

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Rip the Bandaid Off!

Dec 05, 2023

All change, adjustments, and modifications involve some level of discomfort. The bigger the change, the greater the pain. As a leader, you know when your organization needs gutting, yet, you...

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Prioritize Future over Discomfort

Nov 28, 2023

Pain is often a counterfeit of importance, but what’s most painful isn’t always what’s most paramount. Addressing our pain first may extinguish discomfort but do nothing for the...

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Never Stop Shifting

Nov 21, 2023

What worked in the past won’t always work in the future. What was good for a season may not be good now. If you are thinking the same way you thought in the past now, you have not yet...

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Master What Shakes You

Nov 14, 2023

As long as cycles of recurring issues continue, they will always throw you off balance. If you can break the cycle, you will stabilize, but you must master them for the shaking to subside. Be the...

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It’s Time to Move!

Nov 07, 2023

There’s a difference between making adjustments and creating movement. Your business needs both, but movement produces growth beyond traditional paradigms and will always involve another...

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Who Holds Your Ladder?

Oct 31, 2023

The height of your ladder doesn’t matter, but the people who are holding it do. How high up the ladder is your vision? You may be a great climber, but even great climbers will fall without a...

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[Blog] Core Values

Oct 30, 2023

A church's core values are like the ballast in a ship. Although storms may buffet a vessel above the waterline, it is the weight of the ballast in the hull of the ship, beneath the waterline, that...

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Don’t Neglect the Future

Oct 24, 2023

Most organizations' plans are past- and present-oriented. They know where they used to be and they know where they are now, but when leaders neglect the future, they jeopardize their next past and...

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[Blog] The Art of Unlearning

Oct 23, 2023

By Sam Chand

Many of us strive for growth. This comes through pushing yourself, learning, and experience. But, many aren’t as intentional with the process of unlearning out-of-date and...

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