The greatest destroyer of leadership is pride, or arrogance. When we feel that we no longer need others, or that we are better than others, our leadership will suffer greatly. If, however, we...
Has God ever asked you if you want to be healed?
In John 5, we find the story of the man at Bethesda. This man had been an invalid for decades—almost forty years. He had stayed by this pool,...
All of us have assumptions. Only when we acknowledge our own, and recognize that others have their own, can we respond to assumptions in a healthy manner.
As you live your life today, there are two versions of “you” that influence your beliefs and decisions. All of us have the choice as to which version we will fixate on more, and which...
Ser agradable pareciera ser un concepto simple, ¿verdad? Nuestra sociedad lo llama “la cortesía normal”, pero la verdad es que ser agradable no es algo común. Hoy...
Behavior is a little-talked-about subject in leadership circles; but it sets the tone for your entire organization. How do you behave during difficult times? This will heavily influence how far you...
This seems like a simple, given concept, doesn’t it? Our society calls it “common courtesy,” but the truth is, being nice isn’t a common art. Today, I want to talk with you...
We tend to equate inheritance with legacy. The truth is that the two are very different. Inheritance is what you will leave behind; legacy is who you will leave behind. It’s important to plan...
La mayoría de nosotros conocemos la historia de María y Martha que se encuentra en Lucas 10. Marta está sirviendo a sus invitados mientras María está sentada a...
We’re all in transition. It’s a natural phase of life for us. Transitions can take many forms, as you’ve experienced yourself. In my life, I’ve seen eight types of...
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