[Blog] Remaining Flexible

Nov 21, 2022

By Sam Chand

As a traveling speaker, one gets to visit all kinds of environments. Each inviter has a special passion and unique vision for his or her event. Here are a few tips on how to conduct...

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Spotting Raw Potential

Nov 15, 2022


The better you are at spotting raw potential, the more effective a leader you'll be. After all, everyone comes into this "raw." But we're doing what we're doing because...

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Picture, Plan, People

Nov 08, 2022


These are the three ingredients of casting vision. Not every leader is good at casting vision; to do it well, and to motivate your team, you have to give detail about each of...

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Watching Others Grow

Nov 01, 2022


What a joy, to see someone in your organization grow. But you can't exactly announce your contribution to them, can you? Don't worry about that. Simply enjoy it and be...

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Changes During Crisis

Oct 25, 2022


Changes made during crisis, though often not permanent, are necessary in the moment. Announce their review period, not their permanence, and your team will stay on the same...

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[Blog] The Value of Coaching

Oct 24, 2022


by Brenda Chand

Coaching is a positive, future-oriented form of psychology which focuses on finding fulfillment, enhanced performance, team building, vision casting, career...

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[Blog] Training vs. Development

Oct 24, 2022


by Sam Chand

Recently, I stood in Nelson Mandela Square in Johannesburg, South Africa. Nelson Mandela is what we would consider a world-changer. How do individuals like him...

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When You're Attacked

Oct 18, 2022


If you're in leadership, you will be attacked on some level. The trick is to keep leading in the midst of those attacks. What will you focus on? If you think about your...

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Giving and Receiving Feedback

Oct 17, 2022


by Sam Chand

Everybody wants feedback, right? Maybe not. Maybe it depends on the kind of feedback we’re talking about—if you have good feedback for me, yay! If, rather...

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Never Going Out of Style: Style Guides and How to Use Them

Oct 17, 2022


by Hannah Zello

Maybe you’ve done some research on the front end of submitting your book to publishers, and you’ve seen the phrase “style guide” or...

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