Experience and Perspective

Jan 31, 2023


Everyone sees life through the grid of their own personal experience. Every word has meaning depending on our individual contexts. This is why defining your terms is so essential as...

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The Most Important Appointment

Jan 24, 2023


We all have full calendars...but the most important appointment you have isn't in your calendar at all. It's with yourself, and it's a day-long appointment. As you're going about...

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Value Others' Stories

Jan 17, 2023


Others' stories evoke things in us. In fact, others are integral to our ability to empathize, lead effectively, and realize our vision. So don't allow your story to overshadow those...

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Jan 10, 2023


Have you ever taken a journey without knowing where you're going? You're taking others on a journey right now without knowing the destination. And that's okay! The journey itself is...

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[Blog] The Biggest Responsibility of Leadership

Jan 09, 2023


by Sam Chand

There are many definitions of leadership; I like all of them. When I think of a leader, this is what I picture: a leader walks into a room carrying a number of...

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[Blog] Succession Communication

Jan 09, 2023


by EXPAND Consulting Partners

Everyone talks about communication and seems to understand its importance, but very few organizations take the time necessary to organize...

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Jan 03, 2023


What should your focus be right now, at this stage in your life? Your focus from years ago worked then; but now, you need a fresh focus. Determining what it is will greatly enhance...

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Lead for Others

Dec 27, 2022


No leader lives for themselves, but for the benefit of others. When you make decisions, whose benefit do you have in mind? Continually check in with yourself about this and analyze...

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Staying Ahead

Dec 20, 2022


By definition, leaders stay ahead. So what are you actively doing to stay ahead? Unless you look into the future, you'll never be able to lead your team in that direction!

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Dec 13, 2022


Every healthy leader wants to grow. But what’s the first step? Humility. Humility says, “I need to learn more. I can dig deeper. I can listen to other voices in my...

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