People love people who are authentic, real, and vulnerable. Those you lead want and need to see themselves in you and you in them. Don’t make them feel like an island. Humble yourself, and...
Asking invites others to participate and feel heard, telling shuts them out. Turn your telling into asking—great questions can be generated from important statements. #TuesdayswithSamChand
Many leaders blend the positions of team captain and team coach, yet, they are entirely different roles that require entirely different responsibilities and skill sets. Decide which lane you...
Whether you realize it or not, your reputation is built off of microhabits, not macrohabits. The smaller habits matter the most because they tell others the core of who you are and what they can...
Perhaps nothing is more powerful or influential in our lives than our words. Words have the capacity to ruin or to prosper everything they touch—they can build up or they can tear down. Be...
Elevation and promotion come from taking the lower position. Organizations will attract attention and favor when they are known for their servanthood, not their clout. Leaders can’t climb...
If you don’t figure out what’s most important to you, everything will be important or nothing will be important. Start with building community. Small, consistent efforts produce big and...
Dear Leader,
We live in a world of voices: disparaging ones, encouraging ones, skeptical ones, and meaningful ones.
As leaders are being pulled in every imaginable direction, learning to...
You are never separated from the practice of making connections—either the presence of it or the absence of it. How are you connecting with others? What needs to be in place in order to...
You spend your life investing in others. You are a leader, the linchpin of your organization that keeps it in motion. But what kind of investments are you making in yourself? What fills your cup?...
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