Delivery Determines the Quality

Sep 12, 2023

Your organization may have great products and a loyal customer base, but are they receiving your products in a way that serves them best? Even if you have mail, would you get it without a mailman?...

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[Blog] In the Meantimeā€¦

Sep 11, 2023

By Sam Chand

There’s a space between seasons that I like to call “the meantime.” In this space, you are not here and not there. You aren’t where you used to be, but you also...

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Party of One!

Sep 05, 2023

Sometimes it appears that there are several groups within your team that boil down to two categories—”us” and “them.” But “team” is singular, not plural....

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[Blog] The Releasing Stage

Sep 04, 2023

By Sam Chand

All of us go through seasons in our leadership where we’re primarily receiving from others. I like to refer to this as the receiving stage. Especially when we first start out, we...

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Terminate Tribalism

Aug 29, 2023

We all need to feel a sense of belonging, so we find our “tribe”—those who make us feel the most seen and heard. But can you tell the difference between a tribe and tribalism?...

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Prepare to Pivot

Aug 22, 2023

Change can throw us off our game and catapult everyone into a panic as we are confronted with the question—“do we have what we need to pivot?” Pivoting does not need to be...

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You Need Help, Too!

Aug 15, 2023

There is one phrase that rarely comes to mind when considering what makes someone a strong leader: asking for help. If you want to help others, you will need help yourself. Asking for help shows...

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Overtrained and Underdeveloped

Aug 08, 2023

Just because the job is getting done doesn’t mean your people are flourishing. A completed to-do list does not set an organization apart—the people and relationships behind the to-do...

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Amplify Your Awareness of Others

Aug 01, 2023

Good leadership requires a degree of mental fixation. But, good leaders become mediocre leaders when their eyes become unglued from their most important asset—other people. Stay alert and...

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Become Aware of Your Self-Awareness

Jul 25, 2023

If growth is on your agenda as a leader, look no further—your self-awareness will either hinder it or promote it. Your maturation as a leader will never exceed your own self-awareness....

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