[Blog] Do I Really Need My Coaching Credentials?

May 16, 2022


by Coach Robin Buttler

Having received my coaching certification through Dream Releaser Coaching (DRC) in 2010 and becoming Credentialed through the International Coaching Federation...

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When You Don't Get the Credit

May 10, 2022

Not getting the credit for your own contributions is difficult, to say the least. So what do you do in this situation? This is a unique opportunity to both demonstrate maturity and take notes for...

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[Blog] Integrity and Character

May 09, 2022


Integrity and character. That’s all you have. At the end of the day, they can take your money, your house, your car—everything you have. But no one can take your...

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Improve Your Team

May 03, 2022

As you improve, your team improves. They can't go to the next level without you leading the way! How self-aware are you of your style, your weaknesses, and your strengths? You'll see your...

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[Blog] Unleash Your Message

May 02, 2022

Leaders who are intentional with their gift and message won't only help others. God returns the favor to them. I have seen this happen with those I serve, but I've also discover it firsthand. God...

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[Blog] Don’t Do Your Own Thing

May 02, 2022

As a traveling speaker, one gets to visit all kinds of environments. Each inviter has a special passion and unique vision for his or her event. Here are a few tips on how to conduct yourself when...

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Your Life Message

Apr 26, 2022

Everyone has a life message. By talking to someone for long enough, you'll pick up on the thread of their life message. What is your life message? Listen to yourself talk, and have people around...

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[Blog] Overtrained and Underdeveloped

Apr 25, 2022

Recently, I stood in Nelson Mandela Square, in Johannesburg, South Africa. Nelson Mandela is what we would consider a world-changer. How do individuals like him become world-changers? How do they...

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Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

Apr 19, 2022

When we make mistakes, we need to self-analyze. But when we succeed, we must identify and give credit to the appropriate people – don't claim full responsibility!

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[Blog] How to Utilize Content and Connection

Apr 18, 2022

As a leadership consultant, I get to speak on platforms all over the world. I’ve spoken in places such as New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, India, Nigeria, Ghana, and many more!...

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