[Blog] Things You Need To Do as the Outgoing Leader

Jun 20, 2022


By Sam Chand

If you’re succeeding an outgoing leader, you may already know that the bookshelves lack specific guidance for your situation. Highlighted here are some ideas and...

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[Blog] Leading into the Unknown

Jun 20, 2022


By Sam Chand

Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “You cannot take people where you haven’t gone yourself.” It seems logical; however, that saying is not true....

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Embrace Your Future

Jun 14, 2022


The fear of newness throws us off-kilter. Our default is to do things how we've always done them. You can keep doing what you're doing with diminishing results, or you can get used...

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[Blog] The Price of Leadership

Jun 13, 2022


by Sam Chand

Nelson Mandela spent twenty-seven years on Robben Island off the coast of South Africa. For those long years, he broke rocks, did hard labor, was beaten, and had no...

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The Fear of Failure

Jun 07, 2022


Are you allowing the fear of failure to hold you back from moving forward? We can not allow fear to halt us from making progress. Push forward and ask yourself: What's the worst that...

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[Blog] A Leader's Biggest Responsibility

Jun 06, 2022


by Sam Chand

There are many definitions of leadership; I like all of them. When I think of a leader, this is what I picture: a leader walks into a room carrying a number of suitcases...

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[Blog] Step Forward; a new path awaits you!

Jun 06, 2022


by Coach Robin Buttler

I was minding my own business back in 2010 when I received the opportunity to receive coach training through Dream Releaser Coaching (DRC). I was intrigued and...

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Firing a Friend

May 31, 2022


Hiring a friend, though it seems like an amazing idea, has strings attached. When things go south, you have a difficult decision to make. How do you fire a friend? As hard as it is,...

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[Blog] The Communication Surrounding Your Succession

May 30, 2022


by Sam Chand

Everyone talks about communication and seems to understand its importance, but very few organizations take the time necessary to organize communication—first...

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The Importance of Alignment

May 24, 2022


You'll sense that something in your organization is out f alignment before you see it. Pay attention to that intuition. Alignment is critical to any organization, because—just...

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