How to Handle Criticism

Jan 11, 2022

When we view criticism from a healthy perspective, we can utilize any criticism we may receive for our growth. Don't look at all criticism adversely – it is invaluable to your personal...

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Jan 04, 2022

The most important appointment you will have today is with yourself! If we approach these self-appointments with the right mindset, we can ensure our continued growth and development.

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Dec 28, 2021

In this episode, we'll discuss the reality of solutions. Anybody can point out what is wrong, but it is the responsibility of leadership to bring about effective solutions to the problems that the...

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Being Stuck

Dec 21, 2021

When was the last time you felt stuck? When we recognize we are stuck, we must be intentional to get unstuck by applying the strategies discussed in this episode. Don't settle for being stuck!

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Taking Risks

Dec 14, 2021

How do you view risks? While analyzing risks is important, if we only make the decisions that are safe, we are drastically limiting our potential reach and impact. Be open to taking risks!

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The First Step

Dec 07, 2021

The first step in our personal learning, development, and growth is the same: living in humility. Recognizing our imperfections and need for growth is the essential first step in actualizing said...

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The Danger of Arrogance

Nov 30, 2021

In this episode, we'll discuss arrogance and the danger that thinking arrogant poses to our own lives. If left untreated, arrogance will be a massive detriment to our lives and even organizations.

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Listening to Other People's Stories

Nov 23, 2021

Everyone's life has a story. We must recognize that each story has valuable lessons to be learned and be open to hearing the stories of others – don't be so self-absorbed you aren't listening...

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Choices and Consequences

Nov 16, 2021

All day long, we make choices which each have their own consequences. We must think consequentially, and recognize the power and weight that each one of our choices holds.

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Blaming Others

Nov 09, 2021

We all do it! What am I talking about? Blaming Others! We'll talk about the negative effects that blaming others has on our life, leadership, and organization. We need to own up to our mistakes if...

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