¡Sé como María y Marta!

Sep 05, 2019

La mayoría de nosotros conocemos la historia de María y Martha que se encuentra en Lucas 10. Marta está sirviendo a sus invitados mientras María está sentada a...

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Mastering Transition

Sep 05, 2019

We’re all in transition. It’s a natural phase of life for us. Transitions can take many forms, as you’ve experienced yourself. In my life, I’ve seen eight types of...

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Who You Are

Sep 03, 2019

Oftentimes, we confuse who we are with what we do. However, when we learn the difference, and utilize both of these components for our God-given purpose, we’ll find ourselves more fulfilled...

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Be Mary and Martha!

Aug 29, 2019

Most of us know the story, in Luke 10, about Mary and Martha. Martha is serving her guests, while Mary is sitting at the feet of Jesus. Over the years, a lot of people have thrown Martha under the...

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El Precio del Liderazgo

Aug 28, 2019

Nelson Mandela pasó veintisiete años en la Isla Robben cerca de la costa de Sudáfrica. Durante esos largos años, el rompió piedras, hizo trabajo arduo, fue...

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Stay Interesting

Aug 27, 2019

We’ve all met interesting people, and boring people. What makes the difference? It depends on how interested you are in others. When you take the time to be curious about others, you become...

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The Price of Leadership

Aug 21, 2019

Nelson Mandela spent twenty-seven years on Robben Island off the coast of South Africa. For those long years, he broke rocks, did hard labor, was beaten, and had no privileges. Mandela’s...

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Your Greatest Gift

Aug 20, 2019

There are a multitude of wonderful gifts you can give to somebody else; however, the greatest gift is believing in someone. You’re where you are right now because somebody believed in you....

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3 cosas que debes saber sobre la contratación de personal

Aug 15, 2019

La contratación de personal no es tan simple como pregunta “¿cómo ponemos a las personas en los espacios correctos?”; es un arte. Para ser expertos en este aspecto...

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3 Things to Know About Staffing

Aug 14, 2019

Staffing isn’t as simple as ‘How do we get people into the right slots?’ There’s an art, a science, to it. To master this aspect of organizational leadership, we need three...

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