Change Reorganizing Your Organization

Jan 05, 2021

Change imposed is change opposed! Don't focus on the concrete when reorganizing your organization–if you could start all over with the wisdom you have now, what would you change?

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Accepting Change

Dec 29, 2020

Accept change in your life! If you haven't changed in the last 5 years, then you're stuck! Change is a necessary part of growth and development!

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Who Gets the Credit?

Dec 22, 2020

We all have encountered a situation where someone else gets the credit for our work. Don't let this stop you, continue to persevere! Your leaders see who is actually doing the work.

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What is? What if?

Dec 15, 2020

There are two types of people--those that say, "What is," and those that say, "What if?" Your future is greater than your present reality! Those that ask, "What If" are visionaries, they don't let...

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Coaches and Mentors

Dec 08, 2020

Do you have people who share their insight, wisdom, and guidance in your life? Having a coach or mentor that can teach you to not make the same mistakes they did can be massively effective and...

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Your Style of Leadership

Dec 01, 2020

How has your leadership style changed, and are you aware of this change as it happens? Many leaders strive to constantly adapt and reinvent themselves but aren’t aware of their leadership...

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Discovering Potential Leaders

Nov 24, 2020

Potential leaders won't be perfect, but you need to keep your eyes out for them. I look for leaders who are curious, ask questions, are authentic, and think about solutions. Discover these traits...

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How to Deal with Underperformers

Nov 17, 2020

You probably have people on your team who underperform. Before you fire them or move them, create an improvement plan for them. Give them a chance to show progress, and follow up after a certain...

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The Number One Reason People Don't Succeed

Nov 10, 2020

What is the number one reason people don't succeed? A lack of people skills. If leaders don't know how to be nice and respectful towards others, they won't move up and gain ground. Are you more...

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Information and Inspiration

Nov 03, 2020

You need both information and inspiration to be an effective leader. Information overload will result in boredom and a lack of passion. Inspiration by itself will result in a lack of tangible...

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