The Imperative of Succession Planning ‌

May 20, 2024

Succession planning stands as a non-negotiable imperative for any organization serious about its sustained success. This strategic discipline is not merely a nicety but an absolute necessity in...

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Demystifying Professional Coaching

May 06, 2024

How do you feel about coaching?

Professional coaching is a powerful tool, yet it often faces misconceptions that hinder its widespread adoption. But the truth is, an accredited coach could be one...

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Sharing Your Transformative Journey

Apr 22, 2024

Your life experiences are not just a narrative; they are a testimony. Someone out there urgently requires the wisdom encapsulated in your story. The trials you've conquered, the lessons you've...

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The Unavoidable Reality of Succession

Apr 08, 2024

Succession planning is not an elective consideration; it is an inescapable reality organizations must confront. Leadership transitions, whether due to retirements, unexpected departures, or...

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Your Leadership Advantage

Mar 25, 2024

Leadership is not a static skill; it evolves with each challenge faced and lesson learned. And almost nothing helps you evolve faster as a leader than an accredited coach in your corner.


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Simplifying Book Writing with an Expert Team

Mar 11, 2024

Embarking on the journey of writing a book is a task of magnitude, but mastery is within reach with an expert team at your disposal. Writing is not a solo expedition; it's a collaborative...

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The Consequence of Neglecting Succession Planning: Organizational Failure

Feb 26, 2024

To neglect succession planning is to court disaster – a self-inflicted vulnerability that can lead an organization down the path of failure. Organizations that dismiss the critical importance...

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Elevate Your Organization: The Power of Professional Coaching

Feb 12, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of today's business world, staying ahead requires more than just strategy; it demands continuous improvement and adaptability. Enter professional coaching – a...

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[Blog] Core Values

Oct 30, 2023

A church's core values are like the ballast in a ship. Although storms may buffet a vessel above the waterline, it is the weight of the ballast in the hull of the ship, beneath the waterline, that...

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[Blog] The Art of Unlearning

Oct 23, 2023

By Sam Chand

Many of us strive for growth. This comes through pushing yourself, learning, and experience. But, many aren’t as intentional with the process of unlearning out-of-date and...

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