All day long, we make choices which each have their own consequences. We must think consequentially, and recognize the power and weight that each one of our choices holds.
We all do it! What am I talking about? Blaming Others! We'll talk about the negative effects that blaming others has on our life, leadership, and organization. We need to own up to our mistakes if...
What do you know a little bit about that you're confident would transform your life if you knew more about? Today, let's pour into the areas of our life that will make us more effective in our life...
If we want new and valuable insights regarding our organization and its operations, we need to get outside help! Getting an outside set of eyes will allow for a deeper and more accurate analysis.
When we start looking at those around us with more value – that they can be a benefit to our operation and even our life – then we can be more effective moving forward. Recognize your...
Your life is full of purpose, but you can't accomplish all that you are called to accomplish without the right people behind you! Recognize this and choose your supporting cast wisely.
New thoughts can't come from within us – they come from external events! We must be intentional to expose ourselves as leaders to new books, ideas, and speakers to cultivate new thoughts.
We can't just let the train stop when we get a good idea – we must turn our 'A-ha' moments into action! Next time you have a good idea, work to implement it realistically for the benefit of...
All of us are transitioning in life, constantly. The challenge we must face is that transition points often are difficult and adverse. They may be painful experiences, yet when we approach them...
In this episode, we'll discuss the metaphorical book that is your story. Transitions may feel like we are starting all over, but in reality, they are just the beginning of a new chapter –...
50% Complete
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