How Are You?

Jun 15, 2021

We oftentimes become so transfixed on where we are heading and where we want to end up that we fail to focus on our experiences in the here and now – be content with where you are today!

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Lighten Up

Jun 08, 2021

Chill out! Don't get so caught up in your leadership that you forget to have fun and laugh. As leaders, we need to recognize the power of laughter!

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The Journey

Jun 01, 2021

You're always on a journey and never arriving. When you 'arrive,' it's time to move on to the next thing in your journey! We each must come to adopt this mindset of change, progression, and...

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May 25, 2021

We can only manage that which we create, hence we cannot manage our own time. Instead of looking at your need for time, focus on your richness of choices – and make the right ones that will...

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Life-Work Balance

May 18, 2021

The truth is: there's no such thing as balance! If we keep trying to balance these, we will become stressed. We need to recognize how they strengthen one another and use them accordingly in our...

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Role or Responsibility?

May 11, 2021

To be effective in our leadership, we cannot look at it as a role, we need to look at it as a responsibility. When we come to understand this, we can lean into our responsibilities with more focus!...

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Life Focus

May 04, 2021

What is your life priority? What should you be focusing on in life? Identify this and strive to remove whatever may be distracting you from what you need to be focused on!

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Fresh Perspective

Apr 27, 2021

Recognize the value of fresh perspective! Those within your organization have difficulty seeing what those with fresh perspective see about your operation! Create a system to harness fresh...

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New Partners

Apr 20, 2021

The people who got you here won't be able to take you to where you need to go! You need to be open to finding new partners that can help take you to the next level!

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Going Beyond the 'A-Ha!' Moments

Apr 13, 2021

What are you doing to turn your a-ha moments into a reality for your organization? If you aren't intentional about implementing your ideas, they never will be anything more than ideas!

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