Experience and Perspective

Mar 26, 2024

Everyone sees life through the grid of their own personal experience. Every word has meaning depending on our individual contexts. This is why defining your terms is so essential as a leader....

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How to Increase Influence

Mar 19, 2024

Scores of leaders want to know how to increase their influence. There's one simple way: by helping others. You will never lose by helping somebody else! You will always reap what you sow.

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Staying Ahead

Mar 12, 2024

By definition, leaders stay ahead. So what are you actively doing to stay ahead? Unless you look into the future, you'll never be able to lead your team in that direction!

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Value Others' Stories

Mar 05, 2024

Others' stories evoke things in us. In fact, others are integral to our ability to empathize, lead effectively, and realize our vision. So don't allow your story to overshadow those of others....

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Built for Affirmation

Feb 27, 2024

Words of affirmation never get old. Most of the time, we can’t get enough of them. In fact, in many ways, we have a fundamental human need for them! It’s not enough to believe in...

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Party of One!

Feb 20, 2024

Sometimes it appears that there are several groups within your team that boil down to two categories—”us” and “them.” But “team” is singular, not plural....

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Where There is Value, There is Influence

Feb 13, 2024

If you have breath in your lungs, you have the ability to influence others. We don’t influence by simply broadcasting a good message; we influence by adding value to others' lives. Make room...

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Others-Focused Communication

Feb 06, 2024

Many of us mistakenly measure successful communication only by how well the learner will understand the “what” of our message. But if we lose sight of who the message is for, the...

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The Track Record of Trust

Jan 30, 2024

Trust does not develop without an evaluation of someone’s track record. Your perception of your trustworthiness doesn’t matter. You are only as trustworthy as the consistency of your...

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The Roar of Chaos

Jan 23, 2024

Lions are known for their fierceness—they charge, they attack, and they roar. Maybe your roar has become a purr. The lion leader within you must return, and creating chaos is a great way to...

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