As leaders, we tend to focus on our calendars—our appointments, functions, organizational structures, and so on. However, before we refine our calendars, we must ensure our character is...
The greatest destroyer of leadership is pride, or arrogance. When we feel that we no longer need others, or that we are better than others, our leadership will suffer greatly. If, however, we...
All of us have assumptions. Only when we acknowledge our own, and recognize that others have their own, can we respond to assumptions in a healthy manner.
We tend to equate inheritance with legacy. The truth is that the two are very different. Inheritance is what you will leave behind; legacy is who you will leave behind. It’s important to plan...
Oftentimes, we confuse who we are with what we do. However, when we learn the difference, and utilize both of these components for our God-given purpose, we’ll find ourselves more fulfilled...
We’ve all met interesting people, and boring people. What makes the difference? It depends on how interested you are in others. When you take the time to be curious about others, you become...
There are a multitude of wonderful gifts you can give to somebody else; however, the greatest gift is believing in someone. You’re where you are right now because somebody believed in you....
All of us want to be more influential. The way to go about that is actually by
helping other people. In this way, you gain influence, and become an influencer’s
influencer! Who can you invest...
Many companies try to brand themselves by telling the world who they are. In fact, an organization’s brand is developed from what others say about them. As a leader, YOU are the brand!
We tend to vilify nervousness as an amateur response to pressure. I’d like to suggest, however, that a continual, healthy level of nervousness actually brings out the best in leaders!...
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