How did you get here? Answer: not on your own. People were instrumental in helping you reach your current position. When we remember that, we’ll remain humble, and be able to help others...
Do you know how to predict an organization’s growth? Just look at the leader. If he or she is growing, the organization will grow. If he or she is stagnant or regressing, that’s what...
Leaders primarily speak in abstract terms, while followers’ primary language is concrete. To minimize miscommunication and frustration, leaders must learn how to be bilingual.
It’s easy for leaders to lose sight of our greatest responsibility. It’s not making money, growing our organization, or even having a larger staff—it’s helping others. When...
Instead of only focusing on our external effectiveness, we ought to pay more attention to our internal efficiencies. The more efficient we are, the more effective we’ll be.
So often in conflict resolution, we fixate on what actually happened. Behind the reality, however, are expectations that were not met. Address and adjust the expectations, and you’ll minimize...
Many times, we throw all our attention and efforts into events, without considering the processes behind these events. When you have both an events team and a process team, you’ll truly start...
As we go throughout life, we become good at engaging with people and things; however, our disengaging skills aren’t always so refined. It’s essential to disengage from people and things...
Too many times, we design our delivery systems based on what our inside team wants, instead of creating systems that benefit the customer, client, and member first.
As human beings, we yearn for approval from those around us. However, as leaders, there are times others will not understand the decisions we make. Part of being a leader is learning to be at peace...
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