Information and Inspiration

Nov 03, 2020

You need both information and inspiration to be an effective leader. Information overload will result in boredom and a lack of passion. Inspiration by itself will result in a lack of tangible...

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Leading Where You Haven't Been

Oct 27, 2020

People assume that you can't lead into unfamiliar territory...but every lead leader has done so. In fact, leadership by nature is pioneering new ground. All of us will be called to take people...

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Forgive and Move On

Oct 20, 2020

Forgiveness is the most difficult decision a leader makes. If you choose not to let go of offenses, your leadership will be stymied. Those you don't forgive will take up bandwidth and space in your...

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Keeping Your Focus

Oct 13, 2020

We live in a distracted world. Social media alone can suck hours out of our day. In order to keep our focus, we have to realize that we are wired to hone in on one thing at a time and stop trying...

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A Personal Development Plan

Oct 06, 2020

A PDP is essential. Without one, others' plans for you will prevail. It can be as simple as writing on a piece of paper where you want to mature and where you want to be in the future. What is your...

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Draining Leadership

Sep 29, 2020

Every leader knows exactly how draining leadership can be. Even though your role might not be physically taxing, it is exhausting in intellectual ways. Who fills you back up? Make sure you're...

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Defining Success

Sep 22, 2020

There are two ways to measure success: soft and hard measurements. Hard measurements are quantifiable, while soft measurements are more intuitive and people-oriented. The soft side of success...

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Selling Your Idea

Sep 15, 2020

If you're a leader, you're trying to convince others how great your ideas are. The question is, how do you do that? Don't sell the thing; sell the benefit! People make investments and decisions...

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Thinking Solutions

Sep 08, 2020

Everyone can find problems, but can you find solutions? A problem is easy to come across, but solutions take thought.  A solution-oriented thinker is a valuable asset to any team. Stay...

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Learn from Disappointments

Sep 01, 2020

Every human being experiences disappointments; they are a part of life. They're neither negative nor positive; the problem comes when we don't know how to deal with them in a healthy way. Your...

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